Start small. Think big. Test then Scale. Lean Methodology and the Business Model Canvas

  • 2020-05-31 at 12:00 PM
  • Open

The Lean Methodology has helped companies, teams, and individuals discover how to efficiently and effectively start new businesses and allocate internal resources. Now, Vanessa Zabala is teaching our webinar attendees how to use the Lean Methodology in their own businesses around the world to help them efficiently and effectively start their business and grow in international trade. Additionally, by emphasizing small business tactics, the same Lean methodology can by used by main street businesses with similar results. This interactive webinar will help you define problems to be addressed, define initial customers, define jobs relevant to the idea or solution, and provide you with clear and concise presentation methods detailing your action and results.

Vanessa Zabala serves as the Director of Impact Development for the Orlando Economic Partnership, leading the organization’s internal intrapreneurship initiatives and deploying innovation capacity programs to external stakeholders.

Previously, Vanessa focused on strategic alliances with national and international actors to compliment the works of Florida Angel Nexus, which facilitates access to capital from angel investors to Florida companies. Having worked in the commercialization of intellectual property through the University of Central Florida’s I-Corps program, Vanessa is a nationally certified Lean LaunchPad® Educator. She has also served as the Partner Development Manager for GrowFL, helping second-stage companies to scale, and working on a mentor network for the University of Central Florida (UCF) Venture Accelerator.

Her imperative is to develop systems to help support and diversify local economies enabling growth and re-invest in throughout the region. Vanessa has worked with business and micro-financing in Ghana, economic development in Chile, and private equity investment in D.C., among other projects. Vanessa obtained a Bachelor of the Arts in International & Global Studies and Economics from UCF and a Master of Science in International Development from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Vanessa continues her involvement in the academic community as an adjunct professor at the University of Central Florida teaching social entrepreneurship. She is trilingual, speaking Spanish, English, and conversational French.

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