OWIT International establishes strategic alliances with other organizations that complement OWIT’s mission. Several of our Partners offer benefits to OWIT members, thereby enhancing the value of our individual members’ dues. We are proud of the following strategic alliances:

Forum For International Trade Training
The Forum for International Trade Training (FITT) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing international business training, resources and professional certification to individuals and businesses. We offer the only international business training programs and related professional designation (CITP®|FIBP®) endorsed by the World Trade Centers Association and the Canadian government. And our international business training solutions and our programs have become the standard of excellence for global trade professionals around the world. Visit www.fittfortrade.com
Click on Partners in the the Members Only section to view a special membership benefit from this partner.
Export-Import Bank of the U.S. (EXIM)
OWIT and the Export-Import Bank of the U.S. (EXIM) have formed a new alliance that will enhance trade education for business owners who are members of OWIT as well as for clients of EXIM. Visit www.exim.gov
GroYourBiz Ltd.
Headquartered in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada, is an initiative that brings a tactical and proven approach to meeting the needs of women business owners who want to take their business to the next level. GroYourBiz provides monthly peer business “Advisory Board” meetings to women business owners, engaging top experts, business analysts, and presenters and a ‘practical approach’ training guide. The program known as MyBusinessMyBoard™ has 25+ Advisory Boards active in Canada and the USA, with global expansion commencing Fall 2016. Entrepreneurs draw upon the skills, expertise, inspiration and energy of like-minded entrepreneurs offering practical solutions to attracting tomorrow’s customers and expansion needs. For more information, visit www.GroYourBiz.com
SheTrades is an initiative of the International Trade Centre to connect 1 million women around the world to business opportunities and markets by 2020. The platform allows women entrepreneurs and women-owned companies to sign up to make themselves visible to potential buyers. OWIT serves as a verifying partner for all of our members. Visit www.shetrades.com

Vital Voices
OWIT is a “nominating partner” of Vital Voices (VV) and actively promotes the VV Grow Fellowship program to all OWIT Chapters. The VV GROW Fellowship is a highly competitive one-year accelerator program for women owners of small and medium businesses in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa. The program includes customized business skills training, technical assistance, leadership development, and access to networks to grow their businesses and increase their leadership impact. Visit www.vitalvoices.org

The North American Small Business International Trade Educators
The North American Small Business International Trade Educators (NASBITE), a non-profit corporation established over 30 years ago, has become the leading U.S. organization supporting training and education in the field of global business. NASBITE is the steward of The Certified Global Business Professional (CGBP) credential. NASBITE will offer new online resources on OWIT’s website to help OWIT members take steps toward earning this prestigious professional designation. Visit www.nasbite.org/cgbp

NCBFAA Educational Institute
The National Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association of America (NCBFAA) Educational Institute is dedicated to providing educational opportunities to the members of NCBFAA & the larger trade community in the areas of international trade, supply chain management, global logistics, customs brokerage, export transactions, transportation, attendant government regulation, and those areas of knowledge necessary to manage or advance a career path in a business providing services to those sectors. Visit www.ncbfaa.org

WEConnect International
A corporate-led non-profit, WEConnect International helps build sustainable communities by empowering women business owners to succeed in local and global markets and to tap into global supply chains. Currently, WEConnect International is supporting women business owners in over 70 countries by providing business education, certification, and business connections to companies based outside the United States that are at least 51% owned, managed and controlled by one or more women. OWIT International provides WEConnect International members with access to training and information on doing business internationally. Visit weconnectinternational.org
Women Entrepreneurs GROW Global (WEGG)
In 2017, OWIT launched a new partnership with Women Entrepreneurs GROW Global (WEGG), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Chicago. OWIT and WEGG share a like-minded mission of educating women business owners and entrepreneurs worldwide on how to go global so they can run healthier businesses and create a new future for themselves, their families, and their community. OWIT members receive a discount when they participate in WEGG webinars and global trade educational programs (WEGG-member rate). For more information, visit www.womenentrepreneursgrowglobal.org
International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce

TFO Canada
Trade Facilitation Office Canada (TFO Canada) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to improve lives by creating sustainable trade partnerships for exporters from developing countries with Canadian and foreign buyers. TFO Canada facilitates access to international markets and shares trade expertise for the benefit of smaller exporters and for businesswomen involved in trade. TFO Canada provides exporters that register on its website with a full range of free detailed market information on export planning, market access, trade links, and trade shows on the Canadian marketplace as well as access to sector specific information and webinars. TFO Canada also provides contact services, where qualified export-ready companies can have their export offers featured in the foreign supplier database and shared with more than 1,500 Canadian buyers. Visitwww.tfocanada.
Online International Trade Transaction Management
OWIT is a supporting organization of the eUCP GBM Workspace, sponsored by the San Diego and Imperial District Export Council. The eUCP Global Business Model Workspace enables trade for buyers and sellers everywhere, worldwide. The workspace objective is to increase international business by reducing the cost and complexity of trade. This is done by using digital interactive cloud shared trade transaction documents with a common business model, and face to face communications using video conferencing. The eUCP GBM Workspace is intended for common use between importers, exporters, freight forwarders, logistic carriers and service providers. All documentation meets the ICC eRules.
For comments and/or assistance email: Member.Services@itfglobal.ie & sracek@gettingtoglobal.org