Did you have a profile in our membership directory on our old website?
Your profile has been exported to the new website and membership directory. Click on Members Only and Log In.Â

 On the Log In page, click Lost Your Password?Â

On the Password Recovery page, enter the email address where you receive OWIT International emails and click Reset Password. You will receive an email to reset your password. Â

Then you can log in with your new password, update your profile, and access your OWIT International member benefits, including webinar registration at the member rate.
Step1: Log In with your email and new reset password.

Step 2: After Login, click on Edit Profile

You can update your Image, Bio, Contact Info, and Social Media, and set your privacy from Settings. Search for other OWIT International members by name, chapter, or other criteria. You and other OWIT International members can become friends and send messages to connect with each other.
Need to Register Your Chapter Membership or Join our Virtual Chapter?
If you are currently a member of one of our chapters, scroll down the home page and click on Register Your Chapter Membership with OWIT Int’l.
On the Member Registration page, scroll down to Register as a Chapter Member. Click on the drop down to select your chapter.
Upon selection of the Chapter, the Member Registration form will open.
Upon completion of the form, your account will be created and your registration information will be sent to your Chapter Administrator. We will send you another email when the chapter has approved your registration. Then you can return to our website to complete your profile and begin accessing your OWIT International benefits. Â
If you’d like to join our Virtual Chapter, scroll down the home page and click on Join Our Virtual Chapter.
Then click on the Click Here To Become A Virtual Member button.
The Virtual Chapter Checkout will open.Â
Complete your information and payment.
Upon payment, your Virtual Chapter registration is complete and you can login, complete your profile, and begin accessing your OWIT International benefits.