Partner Event: OWIT Lake Geneva and Swiss School of Business and Management

Join us for an enlightening panel discussion where we delve into the pivotal role of education in shaping the future of economics, finance, and business decision-making.

This panel discussion is designed for students, professionals, and anyone with an interest in the intersection of education, economics, and finance. Whether you are planning to attend in person or join us via live stream, you will gain a deeper understanding of how education serves as a cornerstone for innovative business practices and long-term success.

The panelists will explore several key themes:

The Impact of Education on Business Decision-Making: How does a strong foundation in economics and finance enhance strategic thinking and decision-making within businesses?

Education and Business Competitiveness: In what ways does investing in education contribute to a business’s ability to compete on a global scale?

Preparing for the Future: How does education equip individuals for successful careers in business and trading sectors amidst changing market demands?

Bridging the Gap: The role of educational institutions in collaborating with businesses to develop curricula and training programs that align with the industry’s current and future needs.

Swiss School of Business and Management Geneva, Geneva Business Center, Avenue des Morgines 12 + Live Stream Option Available



1. Iva Buljubasic, moderator

2. Mia Alqam Simcox, speaker

2. Petra Pocrnic Perica, speaker

3. Hulya Kurt, speaker

4. Anca Gosling, speaker

Free entry! Register here:


Apr 18 2024


6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

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