Port to Port Conversation

The ports are playing a key role in the economy of California impacting logistics, maritime, air freight and supply chain management services providers and users, including manufacturers, traders and distributors.  The session provides a platform for the speakers from our Ports to exchange market intelligence and learn about the insights into current and future trends of the industry and how hot topics like distribution of COVID vaccine and digitalization are impacting the Supply Chain Management.

Join WIT-LA for a free webinar on this timely topic.


Kristin Decas, CEO & Port Director, Port of Hueneme

Roger Wu, Director of Business Development, Port of Long Beach California

Marisela Caraballo DiRuggiero, Director of Trade Development, Port of Los Angeles

Josefina Khalidy, Principal, Maritime Business Retention Port of San Diego

Guy Fox, MBA, LCB, Chairman of the Board, International Seafarers Center, Ports of Long Beach & Los Angeles

Guest Moderator: 

Amanda Barlow, District Export Council of Southern California


Aug 19 2021


10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

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