NASBITE International: A Trusted Partner in Global Trade Education
Join us for this session to reconnect with NASBITE International one of OWIT’s trusted partner organization’s support global business education, trade credentialing, training, and practice. Learn more about the global trade-related resources they have available, and that OWIT members can access.
Gabe Shweiri, CGBP and President of NASBITE International. With 30+ years of experience in global trade, Gabe also serves as President of GBI Worldwide Logistics, Inc. a freight forwarder and worldwide logistics services provider and Department Chair and Professor of Global Business & Entrepreneurship at Santa Ana College, California.
Jackie Rasmussen, CGBP, Immediate Past-President and former Chair of the NASBITE International Certified Global Business Certificate (CGBP) Governance Council. Jackie works for the University of Missouri as an Assistant Teaching Professor and Director of the MU International Trade Center.
Laurie Wolff, CGBP, serves NASBITE International’s Board of Governors as a Distinguished Fellow and provides leadership to our webinars and student case competition. She teaches economics at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.
For further information and queries, please reach out to our Programs Team team: vp-programs@owit.org