Capacity Building and Sensitization Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights along formalization of businesses within formalization MSMES and Small-Scale Cross Border Traders in the AfCFTA.
IPR is viewed as a socio –economic developmental tool that is strategic in stimulating growth of African economies. IPR is located within the trade sphere, and it dovetails with the objectives of trade in the AFCFTA. Research reveals the existence of significant innovation within MSMEs and the informal sector.
Informal businesses face barriers to leveraging the benefits of both increased intra–African trade and using intellectual property as a tool for
business growth. It is against this brief background that awareness is created on IPR while there is lobbying on how governments should de–mystify IPR and have policies that encourage innovation within parameters that will protect the innovators while stimulating growth of the economies.
Find out how to leverage IPR as an effective tool for trade.
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