OWIT Charleston, known locally as Charleston Women in International Trade (CWIT), champions the role of international trade professionals, particularly women in Charleston and throughout South Carolina. By offering monthly luncheon programs, networking opportunities, continuing education scholarships, academic scholarships and recognition for excellence, CWIT seeks to enhance the status of women working in trade-related fields while connecting professionals.
Annual Meeting & Soiree
Each April, CWIT hosts its Annual Meeting and Soiree where we award our scholarship recipients and Woman of the Year. To date, CWIT is proud to have given away $100,000 in scholarship funds, which began doing in 2005!
Auction and Party
CWIT awards scholarships annually to aid South Carolina resident students enrolled/enrolling in an accredited higher education program in pursuit of a degree specific to international trade or related course of study. Awards are presented during our Annual Meeting and Soiree in April of each year. CWIT scholarships are primarily funded by our Annual Event held in the fall. Past recipients are listed on our Archives page.
OWIT Charleston Events
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