Join OWIT’s Virtual Chapter and Women Lifting Women for Finding Your Value in the Midst of Uncertainty

About Our Speakers:

Tiffany Grandchamp is the Founder/CEO of Women Lifting Women ( and spends her time advocating for gender parity. Whether working with large organizations to help visualize disparities or coaching women on navigating discussions about personal value, Tiffany brings a passion to her work that stems from years of experience demonstrating her own personal value.

As a previous healthcare operations professional, Tiffany found herself having to carve out her own development opportunities and advocating for herself. The most effective skill she learned was developing her own personal value proposition and learning how to share that with anyone in a position to make decisions about her pay, position, or trajectory. Tiffany’s effort paid off as she worked her way to the C-Suite, leading finance, operations, and compliance for a non-profit prior to starting Women Lifting Women. Tiffany has taken her success in leveraging a personal value proposition into her coaching endeavors and shares the importance of one today.

Rosy Hernandez is the Founder and CEO of Heritage Writing Co. and serves as Co-Vice President of the Virtual Chapter of OWIT International. As a recent graduate, Rosy heard positive and negative things about her career outlook. She defined her values and strengths in preparation for entering a company. In creating and solidifying her personal value proposition, Rosy realized she had everything she needed to start her own company at 25 years old already within her. Rosy is living out her passion for multicultural marketing through her marketing firm,  Heritage Writing Co.


Nov 17 2021


2:00 PM - 3:00 PM